Best Value Investment Platform

Gain unparalleled insight into global investment opportunities. Simplify your decision-making process with our advanced analytics and automated reports Create an account
Accurate intrinsic value

Automated Discounted Cash Flow using only public historical+macro data, Prof. Damodaran's estimates and unbiased consensus forecasts.

Global coverage

Up-to-date and accurate financial data for over 45,000 stocks on 60 major exchanges globally with unlimited data export capability.

Powerful forex screener

Find the most non-volatile/volatile pairs with our world-class screener that supports hundreds of currencies.

Guru Portfolios

Comprehensive and up-to-date list of institutional portfolios for you to reference and copy their trades.

An Investment-Based Valuation Platform

At Coin Wave Cryptocurrency, transparency and accuracy are at the core of our CFD valuations. We rely solely on publicly available, unbiased company data to give you clear, conflict-free insights into each asset’s intrinsic value, whether it’s stocks, commodities, or cryptocurrencies. Our platform uses advanced valuation models, including techniques like Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis and Price-to-Earnings ratios, to provide objective assessments of every asset. What sets us apart is our customizable approach, allowing you to adjust key assumptions like growth rates and inflation to reflect your unique market perspective. .
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Get the best prices with these offers

Starter Plan


High value investment
  • Minimum Investment Requirement
  • $1000 Minimum return
  • $5000 Maximum return
  • 5% Additonal Bonus
  • Low Risk Investment

Basic Plan


High value investment
  • Minimum Investment Requirement
  • $2000 Minimum return
  • $10,000 Maximum return
  • 10% Additonal Bonus
  • Low Risk Investment

Intermediate Plan


High value investment
  • Minimum Investment Requirement
  • $3000 Minimum return
  • $15,000 Maximum return
  • 12% Additonal Bonus
  • Low Risk Investment

Premium Plan


High value investment
  • Minimum Investment Requirement
  • $4000 Minimum return
  • $20,000 Maximum return
  • 15% Additonal Bonus
  • Low Risk Investment